Hey folks!! Well, as you know, we like to give you dedicated Blinkers a little something extra now and again, and to put it simply, we've got so much flippin' COMIC coming out of our ears, we need a new avenue for it. Because of this, we've now created the all-new Blink Blog EX-Kloo-Seeves! These little gems are golden delights of scribbled shennanigans which will not appear anywhere else in this big ole' internet of ours! Not on SBT, not in the forums, and not in the comics, just pure slices of ultra-rare teasers and behind the scenes fun just for you Blog Twice Blinkeroonies*! Ha-zaa! So, if you see Kweet's yodelling fizzog at the top of a pic, you know it's something just for you! Yeah!
*Well...okay, so some of them
might show up elsewhere
eventually, but you'll have seen 'em here first, just remember that!!