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Friday, December 22, 2006
Happy Holidays, folks! Some Banter, some shmultz, a game and a song...!
Posted by Lorenzo at 6:10 am


Well, here it is, my official Blog Twice Chrimbo message! It's like the Queen's speech, only a little less queeny...

So, EARLY tomorrow morn I'll be loading up the Amazon with piles of gifts, food and other such yuletidy gubbins, firing up her almighty B20 four-banger twin-carbed crate, and rrrrrumbling allll the way across England to Norfolk, where the Blink Family Mansion will hopefully be alight with all the Christmassy delights imaginable! As usual, Ma and Pops are as excited about it as I am (hey, folks!) and ole' Bertie Woofster the Wonder Pup will have a big red ribbon tied around the scruff of his neck and will be scampering round and round in circles at the thought of all the games of charades and other such Etherington Family nonsense!

Before I go though, I wanted to say a MASSIVE thank you to all the guys and girls who have supported us in 2006, it's been a wonderful year for the Blink, and each and every one of you has been a HUGE part of that! It's looking like 2007 will prove to be even MORE exciting, but news of that later...

This is a time for being with the ones you love, but as usual, there are lots of folks I can't see on Chrimbo day, so to Robster and Meemo in France, William, Karen and Ryan on The boat, my Nan down on the Cornish coast, Marky in London, Alys in Exeter, Kate who'll be here in Bristol, and ole' Cubey out in Valencia, Merry Christmas guys, I hope you all have the most magical holiday imaginable, and I'll be raising a glass of fizzy pop for ya' over in the Blink Family Pile!

Finally, to my Esty. Just over six years ago I was down in Cornwall studying at Art School. It was my final year, and it was two weeks before Christmas. Up in a little old pub called the Boathouse, overlooking the wintry bay of Falmouth I sat at a table, and across from me sat the most beautiful girl I have ever met. I had known her for two years as a great friend, disco girl and illustrator, but on this night we weren't just two art students having a few drinks, we were on our first date, and as I looked at her across the table my heart felt like it would explode. And here we are, six years of the most fantastic love and romance later, and about to spend our seventh christmas together, and last night we went for a meal in an old secret pub I had found here in Bristol, and I sat across from her, feeling every bit as excited and nervous and madly in love as I ever have. So here's to you, baby; for making every day feel like that wonderful first date, I love you Esty, more than I could ever say! SMOOCH! Happy Holidays, Cutie!

Now, for those of you bored of all this Chrimbo shmultz, CLICK HERE FOR A WONDERFUL LITTLE WINTER TIME GAME! Trust me, it's a beauty!

Done that? Good. Now, GO HERE FOR THE GREATEST CHRIMBO SONG EVER! Seriously guys, just wait for that white reindeer's solo - pure genius!

So, Merry Christmas, and I'll see you back here soon!

Blink Twice - "Comics have never been so much fun!"